This is the fudge I make this time of year. It has orange extract and a little orange rind added to the mixture so the butterscotch doesn't become to overpowering. It is still a very sweet rich fudge so you will not be able to eat the whole pan. Your friends or relatives will be happy that you will have to share this. It goes well on your Harvest Buffet and I like the color. We started a new tradition last year now that the the grandchildren are old enough to do a little trick or treating and we moved into a really nice neighborhood where you can trust most of your neighbors to give safe candy. The kids last about 3 or 4 blocks so it works out just about right, not too much candy! First we all gather for dinner,this year it will be at my house, last year it was at my son's house who lives in the same neighborhood. Chili is on the menu as well as cornbread with honey-butter and homemade cinnamon rolls. We will also have a little "hotdish"as they call it out her on the prairie for the little kids who find chili to spicy.
I would love the recipe to your fudge, if you are willing to share it. Sounds like a wonderful, fun family Halloween...I think that is the way this holiday should be...fun, not weird and creepy!
The fudge looks delicious. How nice to live near family and enjoy the holidays with the little ones.
Alice! How on earth could you post that picture of delicious fudge, complete with tasty description, and not post the recipe? Come on, give! :D I want that!
Alice, you make the very best candy! Will you put the recipe on our Lefse Girls blog?Please?
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